Gynecologic cancer is any cancer that occurs in a woman’s reproductive system. Cancer is always named depending on which organ of the body is affected. The area below the stomach and between the hip bones, known as a woman’s pelvis. We have trained Gynecological cancer surgeon in Ahmedabad to treat your gynecologic malignancies.
Surgery is the first-line treatment for many women. The type of surgery depends on the type of cancer a woman is affected. The most common type of gynecologic cancer is breast cancer. We have well-trained
breast cancer specialists in Ahmedabad
who can help you treat cancer.
Breast cancer
We do examination and screening test to find out precancerous stage of Brest cancer/cervical cancer.
We have facility vaccination against cervical cancer.
We are routinely doing gynec onco surgery like ovarian cancer, breast cancer and other female reproductive organ cancer.
Cervical Cancer
CERVICAL CANCER is most common and undiagnosed condition till proper evaluation for that we have specialized department. For diagnostic purpose like PAP SMEAR TEST and PS / PV local examination by gynecologist. As well as operative management by Gynec Onco team .preventive of cervical cancer we are giving cervarix vaccine.
Uterine Cancer
For UTERINE CANCER we have surgical management like werthem hysterectomy by gynec onco team and post surgical management. Also we are doing like CHEMOTHERAPY by ONCOPHYSICIAN. All specialists are in our team. Under one roof management.
Ovarian Cancer
OVARIAN CANCER and UTERINE CANCER like ENDOMETRIUM CANCER are also most challenging condition for early diagnosis and curettage purpose. Patient comes with post menopausal bleeding usually go for CT SCAN , TVS, and local examination for PS / PV rule out uterine cancer and ovarian cancer we have facility like true cut biopsy .
All other Gynec and genitourinary system pathological condition exclusively managed with high result ratio and higher success in all condition medical as well as surgical.
Available Facilities
1) Expert gynecologist
2) Expert Onco Surgeon
3) Blood test, Biopsy, chemo therapy under one roof
4) Chemo therapy under guidance of chemo physician
5) Nutrition and life style management under nutrition doctor
Preventive Care
1) Sonography (3D/4D)
2) PEP test and expert gynecologist consultation
3) Breast examination with female gynecologist
4) Cervical vaccination
Gynecological Cancer Surgeon in Ahmedabad
For treating any of the above-mentioned cancer, we have a qualified gynecological cancer surgeon in Ahmedabad. The years of experience help the surgeon to understand each case better and provide the right treatment.